Dear all,

I just updated my GitHub repo on elecoral data with the various details
on the electoral roll frontpages of abovementioned states (Gujarat to be
added later this week). This is basically (in vernacular script) the
district, taluk, village, ward, address, name, pincode, etc of each
booth. The data are in the respective *id tables of my dataset, so for
Karnataka it would be in the karid table. Hope this is useful:

This is based on the 2014 rolls, used during the last general election.

Feel free to experiment with it and please alert me to any mistakes -
its a semi-automated process, so mistakes can always happen.

Incidently, does anybody know of a source that links Census ID codes to
village names in vernacular script? The lgov directory only maps them to
latin script. Ultimately, the goal is of course to link electoral and
census data together at finer levels - something many here have been
interested in over the years...


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