On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Jean Forget wrote:

> There *is* a difference between Date:: and Time:: namespaces. Date::
> modules do not consider durations less than one day. I did not choose
> at random between Date:: and Time:: for my module, neither did Rich
> Bowen (Discordian), Abigail (Maya), Leo Cacciari (Roman), Mordechai
> Abzug (Julian and Hebraic) and Tom Braun (Date::Tolkien::Shire).

Um, Date::Calc, Date::Manip, Date::ICal, and numerous other Date::
modules _all_ deal with units less than one day.

> Why not simply Calendar::Chinese and Calendar::Discordian? and by the way,
> why not also Calendar::Leapyear and Calendar::Passover?

Because I want it to be clear if a given module fits into the overall
suite or not.  Basically, if it starts with DateTime, it'll inter-operate
with all the other modules in the suite.  That assumes that other people
don't just randomly upload DateTime:: crap, which is a big assumption, of
course ;)

> I would not mind renaming my module Calendar::French_Rev, but I think
> the DateTime:: namespace is very inapproriate. Hours, minutes and
> seconds are not taken in account in my module. Using the DateTime::
> would induce users to think hhmmss are taken into account.

If it is renamed to DateTime::Calendar::FrenchRevolution, it'll have to
deal with hhmmss.  It's that simple.


House Absolute Consulting

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