On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Rich Bowen wrote:

> It's an interesting point in this case, with this being one of the very
> few calendars that changes how time is handled. However, since the
> purpose of the module in question is conversion between Gregorian and
> French Revolutionary, I would expect that it would do just that. The
> base module would have "Gregorian" or "Anglo-Babylonial" time, and the
> module would convert back and forth. Or it could simply choose to ignore
> that portion of things, as you have done now.

Conceivably, a calendar module might simply always return 0 for
time-related pieces of dates, and not even store Rata Die seconds, but
that's less than ideal, since the round-trip from Gregorian => X =>
Gregorian would result in a loss of information, which is bad.


House Absolute Consulting

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