On Mon, 13 Jan 2003, Jean Forget wrote:

> Well, it is not *that* simple. In addition to creating a new
> calendar, Fabre d'Eglantine and Romme changed the duration of
> the hour, minute and second, so each day would be split into
> 10 hours, each hour into 100 minutes and each minute into 100
> seconds. Which unit should my module deal with?
> "Anglo-Babylonian" sexagesimal second or decimal second?
> (See http://zapatopi.net/metrictime.html)

It's an interesting point in this case, with this being one of the very
few calendars that changes how time is handled. However, since the
purpose of the module in question is conversion between Gregorian and
French Revolutionary, I would expect that it would do just that. The
base module would have "Gregorian" or "Anglo-Babylonial" time, and the
module would convert back and forth. Or it could simply choose to ignore
that portion of things, as you have done now.

I expect that there are other calendars/time systems that have alternate
time handling, and that I just have not encountered them yet. Anyone
know how the Chinese (ie, ancient) deal with this?

Oh I have slipped the surly bonds of earth
And danced the sky on laughter-silvered wings
 --High Flight (John Gillespie Magee)

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