On Fri, 24 Jan 2003, Peter J. Acklam wrote:

> I believe this thread proves that what is considered the first day
> of the week must be customizable.  If it isn't, then someone
> (perhaps not someone on this mailing list, but someone) will be
> dissatisfied and consider the "DateTime" modules useless and write
> their own modules -- and much of the point with the "DateTime"
> modules will be lost.

As Rich pointed out, the idea of offering a rich API that supports all of
these things is good.  The idea of a narrow API which has a changing
meaning is very bad.  We already have some of the rich API needed, like
"day_of_week" and "day_of_week_0".

> In relation to week numbers and day of week numbers, there are
> at least four parameters that must be customizable:
>    1) What is the first day of a week (Sunday, Monday, ...)?

I just need method names for this.  Monday as first day of week is
"day_of_week" (Monday is 1) and "day_of_week_0" (Monday is 0).  Equivalent
methods using Sunday are welcome, but they need good names.

>    2) What is the number of this day (0, 1)?

See above.

>    3) How many days of a week must be in the new year before
>       the week is considered the first week in the new year?
>       (ISO: 4, US: 1 and 7)

Eek, I'm not sure I want to touch this yet.  But if people have good mehod
names, I'm happy to include it.

>    4) What is the number of this week (0, 1)?

This can be done with more *_0 methods.

This all comes down to have appropriately named methods, basically.


House Absolute Consulting

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