On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Dave Rolsky wrote:
> > >   $set1 = DateTime::SpanSet->new( start_set
> => $dt_set, end_set => $dt_set );
> > What would this create exactly?
> This is the same thing, but with another syntax (I prefer this one):
>   $set_start = new DateTime::Set( $day1, $day3 );
>   $set_end   = new DateTime::Set( $day2, $day4 );
>   $spanset = $set_start->until( $set_end );
> It creates this DateTime::SpanSet:
>   [ $day1 .. $day2 ) , [ $day3 .. $day4 )
> meaning:
>   a time-span that
>   starts in day1 and ends before day2, then
>   restarts in day3 and ends before day4.
> - set_start and set_end can be recurrences.

Woah, this is asking for trouble.  What if one set has 3 elements and the
other 2?  Or what if one is infinite and one isn't?  There might be some
logical way to handle this but I think it'll get way too confusing for
most users way too fast, leading to bugs.

I think the API needs to be simple and encourage simplicity in its use,
because this is a complicated area.  It's much simpler to simply have
people make a bunch of DateTime::Span objects and have them pass it in.

Alternately, we might accept a list of pairs of objects.


House Absolute Consulting

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