On Thu, 20 Mar 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > >   $set1 = DateTime::SpanSet->new(
> > >      start_set => $dt_set, end_set => $dt_set );
> > What would this create exactly?
> >
> > For example, if I have two sets, one of which is
> > an infinite recurrence every month starting on
> > January 1, 2002, and the other is a set with ...
> .. every month starting on January 2, 2002,
> then you get an infinite set of spans like:
> [ 2002-01-01..2002-01-02 ],
> [ 2002-02-01..2002-02-02 ],
> [ 2002-03-01..2002-03-02 ],

That doesn't follow from the example I gave at all!

I think this is something else you're describing, which is the "set +
duration" constructor, which does make sense.  But the "two set"
constructor has me totally lost.


House Absolute Consulting

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