Michael Fair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For instance, "So what's the time in Ireland?"
> Do you use "Europe/Dublin" or
"Europe/Belfast"?  What's the
> difference?
> Do you expect the end user to know that
Dublin and Belfast are in
> Ireland
> before they can see the time in Ireland?

This is a bit of a beef I have (as of earlier
today) with the Olson project. I've managed
to auto-map about 174 of the olson zones to
geographic places but am scared I may have to
do the rest by hand. I wish the names were
more along the lines of:
Rather than

Once I've completed my research we should have:
$time_zone{$continent}{$country}{$region} and/or

I figure we should allow access to the data
such that we can get a list that looks like:
  - Australia
    - Melbourne (Victoria)

It would probably be good to create
DateTime::TimeZone::Select to hold this data,
and then DateTime::TimeZone::Select::HTML and
DateTime::TimeZone::Select::Tk and
DateTime::TimeZone::Select::Terminal for
holding widgets for people to just drop in place.

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