On Wed, 24 Sep 2003, Michael Fair wrote:

> Wouldn't the major city names be less prone to these kinds of disputes?
> Surely there will be times when some will be disputed but I don't see
> it happening so often as to be a major problem.

Yeah, that's why the Olson DB uses continents and cities only ;)

> One way of handling this might be just to play no favorites and to place
> cities in whatever catagories (countries) we think people are going
> to look.

I certainly don't object to someone doing this and maintaining a
DT::TZ::ByCountry module.  Just keep in mind that that person will have an
ongoing maintenance burden and will have to deal with all the complaints
likely to arise.

If you want to be that person then go for it ;)

But I won't do it myself, and it won't be included in DT::TZ itself,
especially since the rate of update between the two may vary.


House Absolute Consulting

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