On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This is a bit of a beef I have (as of earlier
> today) with the Olson project. I've managed
> to auto-map about 174 of the olson zones to
> geographic places but am scared I may have to
> do the rest by hand. I wish the names were
> more along the lines of:
> Oceania/Australia/Melbourne-Victoria
> Rather than
> Australia/Melbourne
> Once I've completed my research we should have:
> $time_zone{$continent}{$country}{$region} and/or
> $time_zone{$continent}{$country}{$city}

You do realize that mapping time zones to countries will take a _lot_ of
maintenance, right?

Countries are changing all the time.  Think back to the end of the cold
war, when the USSR dissolved, along with Yugoslavio and Czechoslovakia,
and at the same time E & W Germany became a single country.

And how do you handle things like Taiwan & Hong Kong?  Are they separate
countries?  Hong Kong was once sort of a separate country, but is now
clearly part of China.  Is Taiwan part of China?  Depends who you ask ;)
My wife is Taiwanese and I sure as hell think they're separate countries,
but ask many mainlanders and you'll get a different answer.


House Absolute Consulting

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