On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 7:03 PM, Bill Moseley <mose...@hank.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 6:12 PM, Lyle <webmas...@cosmicperl.com> wrote:
>> Michael G Schwern wrote:
>>> Clever watchdogs can prevent this from bringing down a server, but I think
>>> we can all agree that a date library should not be the source of DOS
>>> attacks.
>> Maybe a warning of this in the POD would be enough? Or a more active built
>> in restriction on future dates that users of DataTime must manually
>> override...
> Would a global be too ugly for a short-term fix?  $DateTime::MaxFutureYears
> = 20;  # no dates more than 20 years from current year.

It's documented in the POD already.  If your application is sane, you
already verify user input, right?  Just an extra filter on the

Moose and Data::Verifier ftw:

subtype ValidYear,
      as Int,
      where { $_ > 1900 && $_ < ((localtime)[5] + 1930) },
      message { "Valid years for this input must be after 1900 and
within 30 years" };

My vote goes for no changes, as it is in the POD as a warning and has
existing for a very long time.  The better fix is to write better


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