--- Begin Message ---
Hi Elvis,

Regarding your claim that our company misuses operation emails, we would
like to address the issue in the following as it deeply affects our
company's image as well as customer's credibility for us:

1. Although David sent the email, he is not the one who decides the
recipient list. This is decided by the marketing team.

2. As a company which fully upholds fairness and respects customers
‘privacy, Larus NEVER uses any operation emails or technical emails for
commercial use. The emails we used for commercial purpose are only those
that are open to public. Please let us know if there is any

3. We also respect our customer's privacy by implementing a un-subscription
policy. Customers can unsubscribe anytime at their liberty.

Larus never sends spam emails to our customers nor misuse any operation
emails. Every employee of Larus follows strictly this policy. We do not
tolerate any improper behaviour within the company as well as any false
claims. Please do not hesitate to contact us in private if you find an
operation email is used for commercial purpose.

--- End Message ---

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