On Thu, Dec 14, 2017 at 11:01:33AM +0000, Nick Hilliard via db-wg wrote:
> denis walker via db-wg wrote:
> > The question we now need to answer is...Do we want to allow the
> > creation of new ROUTE(6) objects in the RIPE Database for non RIPE
> > address space?
> I would prefer not.

I agree, ultimately doesn't belong in the RIPE database. However I'd
like to ensure there is a comprehensive path towardst that goal. I can
think of a number of steps to get there.

- mark out-of-region objects as being out-of-region
- present warnings to the user when out-of-region objects are created
- block inserting new out-of-region objects
- try to reach out to stakeholders of out-of-region route objects
- delete objects which also exist in other databases
- delete objects which are not visible in the DFZ
- ...

It'll be a lengthy road, but it can be done.

Kind regards,


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