Hi Nick, Athina
Perhaps the RIPE NCC legal team can give us some advice on this issue. In your 
presentation at RIPE 76 you said the justification for personal data in the 
RIPE Database was for contacting people about operational issues. If many of 
these 2 million people whose personal data is held in the RIPE Database are not 
contacts, is there any legal justification for having this amount of personal 
data in the database?
Also if 'contacts' can be roles rather than identifiable people, can we justify 
holding this personal data simply because, historically, PERSON objects were 
used instead of ROLE objects?

cheersdenisco-chair DB-WG

      From: Nick Hilliard <n...@foobar.org>
 To: denis walker <ripede...@yahoo.co.uk> 
Cc: DB-WG <db-wg@ripe.net>
 Sent: Sunday, 7 October 2018, 14:56
 Subject: Re: [db-wg] PERSON objects in the RIPE Database
denis walker wrote on 25/09/2018 23:55:
> So really the only question that must be answered is "Can we justify 
> holding this amount of personal data on the basis of contacts for 
> administrative and technical issues relating to internet resources and 
> network operations?" If the answer is 'no' then change MUST happen, long 
> before the universe dies.

I.e. "is what we have [...] legal"?

DBWG probably needs to get a legal opinion on this.



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