
According to the process document linked to by Piotr, you are supposed to
respond to NWI requests with either «yes» or «no».

More than a month has elapsed since I requested the NWI and the last
message was posted to this thread. When should I expect your answer?


* Tore Anderson via db-wg
> * Piotr Strzyzewski via db-wg
>> Look at this page
>> and start new NWI.
> Thanks for the pointer!
> Chairs (cc-ed), could we have an NWI for this?
> Rough problem statement for the kickstart phase follows:
> There is currently no way to automatically sync the «auth: SSO x@y»
> attributes for a maintainer object with the list of (non-billing) users
> associated with an LIR.
> This leads to duplication of work (adding/removing newly hired/departed
> LIR administrators in two places).
> Additionally, this increases the risk of unauthorised access, e.g., if an
> administrator has left an LIR but was only removed from the LIR portal,
> he might inappropriately retain access to manage database objects for the
> LIR in question.
> It is therefore desirable to have a method to protect RIPE database
> objects so that they can be maintained by the list of (non-billing)
> user accounts currently associated with a specific LIR at any given
> time. That is, when a RIPE NCC Access account is removed from the LIR's
> user list, the database maintainer access should be automatically
> revoked for that account as well.
> Tore

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