On Wed, 5 Aug 2020 at 14:46, ripedenis--- via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
> We have a problem with UTF-8. Many people keep saying you want it, we should 
> have it, let's do it...But every time we get to these difficult, 
> non-technical questions every one goes silent. This is why we have never 
> implemented UTF-8 since it was first mentioned many years ago. No one in the 
> community seems to know how to answer these questions.
> So I have a suggestion. The RIPE NCC has the manpower with the expertise to 
> investigate these issues. I propose we put a task on the RIPE NCC to do a 
> thorough investigation of UTF-8 in the RIPE Database from all possible angles 
> and report back to the community. This can be a starting point to a more 
> meaningful discussion.
> We need to know what impact having non Latin1 characters in different parts 
> of the data set will have on the RIPE Registry, the RIPE NCC members, the 
> different user groups of the RIPE Database and the social, legal and 
> political impact of such a change. Which parts of the data set 
> can/should/shouldn't be allowed to be in other character sets. Who really 
> needs access to this data and what parts of it need to be understandable or 
> interpreted. Which does bring into question the whole purpose of the RIPE 
> Database and the data contained therein.
> Thoughts???

+1 from me on this.

My primary reason for the +1 is being able to correctly spell the name
of $legal-entity (e.g. contact/representative person, company name).
Similar to how if you have your legal name changed. Your passport will
also need to be re-issued. I do not know how often this has been an
issue in the past. But I consider it high time to do something,
instead of, as you refer to denis, continue to "drag our feet". (the
world is larger than [0-9a-zA-Z]. The RIPE community does not walk "in
too-small shoes")

Best regards,

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