Hi Ed

Can you clarify this comment...

> Our Legal team have considered the concerns from a part of the community 
> regarding the eligible size for “geofeed:” validation and concluded the 
> following:
> Since resources with prefix size equal to the size distributed/registered by 
> the RIPE NCC to a resource holder is not considered to be personal data, an 
> equal prefix size may receive the “geofeed:” validation.
> Accordingly, we will allow "geofeed:" on ALLOCATED PA or top-level ASSIGNED 
> PI (for IPv4) and ALLOCATED-BY-RIR on top-level ASSIGNED PI (for IPv6).

Are you saying you will ONLY allow geofeed on resources with these
status values? What about SUB-ALLOCATED PA and AGGREGATED-BY-LIR? The
nature of these status values suggests they are not personal data.

"an equal prefix size may receive the “geofeed:” validation."
Or are you saying any object with a size equal to any allocation can
have a "geofeed:" attribute? That would mean a /24 for IPv4.

co-chair DB-WG


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