
I’m out of office till 22 August. Any RIPE Labs related queries can be sent to 
l...@ripe.net and one of my colleagues will get back to you.


On 22 Aug 2022, at 07:51, Alun Davies via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m out of office till 22 August. Any RIPE Labs related queries can be sent 
> to l...@ripe.net and one of my colleagues will get back to you.
> Cheers,
> Alun
> On 22 Aug 2022, at 07:46, Alun Davies via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m out of office till 22 August. Any RIPE Labs related queries can be sent 
> to l...@ripe.net and one of my colleagues will get back to you.
> Cheers,
> Alun
> On 29 Jul 2022, at 02:57, Cynthia Revström via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
> Hi Denis,
> You raise some very good points and I agree with you that we should
> update the purposes and establish procedures for doing so.
> Also could someone explain to me how I should interpret Article 8.3,
> does that mean that the T&C can be altered by the Policy Development
> Process?
> Article 8.3: "Changes can also be effected through the Policy
> Development Process."
> Given what you said in your email I assume this is not the case but I
> don't know what else it would mean.
> P.S. I assume "Daniel" is referring to dfk?
> -Cynthia
> On Fri, Jul 29, 2022 at 2:33 AM denis walker via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
> Colleagues
> My vacation is almost over and I have a lot of emails to reply to so I
> will start with the topic of the day, geofeed. We have to think out of
> the box here. You are all approaching this issue from the same wrong
> angle. There is no point criticizing the legal team for doing their
> job. The answer was actually in that review..."If the purposes of the
> RIPE Database have changed". So the answer is simple, we add a new
> purpose to the RIPE Database. The only problem is we have never done
> this before in any formal way. We have no precedent, no process or
> procedure for doing this. I am hoping someone at the RIPE NCC can help
> us with establishing a process for doing this, maybe the legal team,
> senior management team, Daniel, the Executive Board if we need a
> resolution to be put to a GM...
> So let's first take a step back. The purposes of the RIPE Database
> have become the elephant in the room, no one wants to talk about them.
> The Database Task Force (DB-TF) completely sidestepped the issue. I
> did warn them several times that this must be addressed, but they
> ignored me (sorry guys). I tried to raise the issue at RIPE 83 but I
> was heavily criticized for doing so. I could see 2 or 3 years ago that
> this was a problem that would have to be addressed soon. Now we can no
> longer ignore the issue.
> What are the purposes now? We had the original purposes defined in the
> mid 1990s. These are the ones the DB-TF worked with. But they were
> reviewed in 2010 by the Data Protection Task Force (DPTF). As a member
> of the DPTF I wrote the initial draft of the RIPE Database Terms &
> Conditions (T&C). This included a list of purposes in Article 3. These
> extended the original set of purposes. The wording was tweaked by the
> DPTF and the community and consensus was reached on this set of
> purposes. But there wasn't a lot of discussion about the actual
> purposes, just the wording.
> So the first question to answer is, do we take the set of purposes
> listed in Article 3 of the T&C as the definitive list of current
> purposes, regardless of what the DB-TF considered?
> The next question is, what new purpose would we add to cover geofeed?
> Again I did make a recommendation to the DB-TF about this. I suggested
> something like:
> "The RIPE Database may contain data that an agreed set of external
> services may use, require or rely on."
> This purpose would cover:
> -"geofeed:"
> -"geoloc:"
> -"language:"
> -"abuse-c:"
> -IRT object
> -use of ROLE objects for contacts for external services like RIPE Atlas
> None of the above list are covered by any of the purposes currently
> defined in the T&C. We would then have to define somewhere the 'agreed
> set of external services'.
> If we want to add a new purpose we then need to establish a procedure
> for doing this with community consent. There is no policy on the
> purposes of the RIPE Database so the PDP would not work here. As the
> RIPE Database is a service provided by the RIPE NCC and covered by a
> set of legally binding T&C, it may need a resolution by the GM to
> change the T&C. There is also the issue of how any new purpose may
> (legally) impact on the existing data contained within the database
> and any consent that has been given for the use of that data.
> Daniel said in Iceland that it is "time to stop tinkering around the
> edges of the RIPE Database and address some of the fundamental
> issues". I think this is an appropriate moment to add a new purpose
> and work through the whole process of doing so. Maybe we can sort it
> out by RIPE 85 in case we do need to involve the GM. I suspect we may
> do this again once we establish the process.
> cheers
> denis
> co-chair DB-WG
> On Thu, 28 Jul 2022 at 13:33, Maria Stafyla via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> Following the legal update we provided on NWI-13: Geofeed at the DB WG 
> session at RIPE 84, here is our analysis in case further discussion on this 
> topic is needed.
> Executive Summary:
> -       The RIPE Database is meant to contain specific information for its 
> documented purposes.
> -       Information inserted in the geofeed attribute could in some cases 
> qualify as personal data.
> -       The current purposes could explain geolocation information to be 
> inserted only for ‘scientific research into network operations and topology’.
> -       This purpose does not justify the processing of personal data; 
> therefore restrictions had to be put in place to avoid the processing of 
> unnecessary personal data.
> -       The restrictions are now implemented based on the status of the 
> registration.
> -       If the purposes of the RIPE Database have changed in the meantime, 
> this should be established via the community processes and documented. In 
> that case we will re-evaluate the situation and the need for restrictions. 
> Until then, the restrictions remain necessary.
> Legal Analysis:
> The RIPE Database is meant to contain specific information for the purposes 
> that are defined in the RIPE Database Terms and Conditions.
> In terms of the _personal data_ inserted in there, the purpose that justifies 
> its publication is to facilitate the coordination of network operations for 
> the smooth and uninterrupted operation of Internet; this purpose explains why 
> contact details of resource holders or their appointed contact persons are 
> required.
> Before any new type of personal data is permitted to be inserted in the RIPE 
> Database, we must evaluate if their processing is required for the purposes 
> already defined and their processing can be considered in line with the basic 
> personal data processing principles.
> Although it is the responsibility of the party inserting personal data to 
> ensure that they have the appropriate legal grounds before doing so, the RIPE 
> NCC has also shared responsibilities with regards to the personal data in the 
> RIPE Database. This is because the RIPE NCC is the party that is making the 
> RIPE Database available and implements the instructions given by the RIPE 
> community.
> As mentioned in the Legal Review Impact Analysis, if the geofeed attribute is 
> inserted for registrations of assignments that are reasonably assumed to be 
> related to one individual user, then the attribute will be considered as 
> containing personal data and GDPR will apply. This is why we have proposed to 
> implement restrictions.
> These restrictions are essential to avoid any processing of personal data 
> that is not required or necessary for the currently defined purposes of the 
> RIPE Database and to limit the RIPE NCC's liability as a party with shared 
> responsibilities in relation to the personal data inserted in the RIPE 
> Database.
> Regarding the _(non-personal) data _inserted in the RIPE Database, it is also 
> paramount that only data that is needed for the defined purposes of the RIPE 
> Database is inserted.
> According to the RIPE Database Terms and Conditions, introducing the geofeed 
> attribute (with restrictions) would be considered in line and acceptable to 
> be used only for scientific research into network operations and topology 
> (see Art. 3).
> We also understand that the purposes the RIPE Database must fulfil are not 
> static but evolve over time.
> The RIPE Database Requirements Task Force has recently concluded its work 
> and, with regard to geolocation, it has established that, although there is 
> an active user group for geolocation data, geolocation itself is not an 
> objective that the RIPE Database should fulfil.
> If the community's interests have changed since then and it is now agreed 
> that geolocation is one of the purposes the RIPE Database must fulfil, this 
> should be decided via the community's processes and reflected in the RIPE 
> Database Terms and Conditions.
> In line with the data management principles proposed by the RIPE Database 
> Requirements Task Force, it would be prudent to approach this issue 
> holistically, taking into account that other geolocation information is 
> already provided in the RIPE Database (i.e. geoloc, country code attributes 
> in ORG and resource objects).
> On the basis of a new purpose for the geolocation information, we could then 
> reassess the situation to understand whether the restrictions on the geofeed 
> attribute are still necessary or whether it is justified to process personal 
> data for this purpose.
> Kind regards,
> Maria Stafyla
> Senior Legal Counsel
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