On 29-07-2022 02:32 +0200, denis walker wrote:
> This purpose would cover:
> -"geofeed:"
> -"geoloc:"
> -"language:"
> -"abuse-c:"
> -IRT object
> -use of ROLE objects for contacts for external services like RIPE
> Atlas
>  None of the above list are covered by any of the purposes currently
> defined in the T&C. We would then have to define somewhere the
> 'agreed set of external services'.

FWIW, I think abuse-c and IRT could be covered by:

- Facilitating coordination between network operators (network problem
resolution, outage notification etc.)

since abuse originating from the network can be considered a "network

Interestingly, the purpose

- Providing information about the Registrant and Maintainer of Internet
number resources when the resources are suspected of being used for
unlawful activities, to parties who are authorised under the law to
receive such information. 

fells short since "the team who actually deals with issues in this
network" (abuse, noc, etc.) is often neither the Registrant itself nor
the Maintainer.

Best regards

INCIBE-CERT - Spanish National CSIRT

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of the "Real Decreto-ley 12/2018, de 7 de septiembre, de seguridad de
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2016/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016
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