On 20-Aug-2003 Tim Bunce wrote:
> I'd be grateful if you could take a moment to try out this
> release candidate of DBI 1.38:
>    http://homepage.eircom.net/~timbunce/DBI-1.38-rc1-20030820.tar.gz

All tests successful, 8 tests skipped.
Files=34, Tests=1332, 21 wallclock secs (16.17 cusr +  1.02 csys = 17.19 CPU)

perl -MDBI -e 'DBI->installed_versions;'
  Perl            : 5.008
  OS              : linux
  DBI             : 1.38
  DBD::mysql      : 2.9002
  DBD::Sponge     : 11.09
  DBD::Proxy      : 0.2004
  DBD::ODBC       : 1.05
  DBD::Multiplex  : 0.9
  DBD::ExampleP   : 11.10

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Ltd, UK

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