My initial input would be:

Ensure that we have proper goals!!!

Is this going to be a DBI conformance test or a driver test suite?  I belive
those are two different (but not incompatible) goals. A conformance test
would be more simple, in that it would test the interface to the driver not
necessarily that it's functioning correctly.  It would and determine which
DBI features the driver supplies vs what DBI allows.  Ideally, this would be
updated every time a new feature is added to DBI and would produce a report
showing which features were implemented by the driver, which by DBI (e.g.
the default DBI implementation of array handling vs. the driver implementing
it in a "better" fashion). and which are not implemented. 

A DBD Driver test, in my terms, would be something that reads and writes the
data to the database and VERIFIES that it's getting what is expected.  In my
experience, with DBD::ODBC, this takes a bit of effort.  Does this driver
supply SQL_INTEGER, SQL_SMALLINT, etc?  DBD::ODBC uses a primitive method to
work this out and there are probably much better approaches.  That said:
DBD::ODBC tests, for the most part, pass against Access, SQL Server, DB2 and
Oracle (and, when no DBI_DSN is set, which is important for any automated
builds).  The "Driver" test would, IMHO, be VERY dependant upon the
conformance tests, to know what to test and to know how to approach inserts,
deletes, etc.  

I, actually, think the "Driver" test would be more useful for Driver writers
and the conformance test more useful for end-users -- and both would be
valuable, but I think we should define the goals first.  I think I'm not
sure which direction this is going.  I'm an advocate of covering both
"conformance" and "performance" -- but I think those goals should be spelled
out first. 

Just my initial thought.  An intended SCOPE would be nice for those of us
who would like to contribute, but don't have a lot of time to do it.


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