Thanks for all the input.  I'm going to attempt to write a draft
outlining the goals and basic design this weekend.

On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 11:24:59PM -0500, Jeff Urlwin wrote:
> > > Just my initial thought.  An intended SCOPE would be nice 
> > for those of 
> > > us who would like to contribute, but don't have a lot of time to do 
> > > it.
> > 
> > I expect your DBD::ODBC tests will provide valuable input to 
> > Tom's design.
> I hope so.  If nothing else, to see some of the things that I had to deal
> with.  Some drivers don't report support for SQL_INTEGER, but do support
> SQL_SMALLINT because their integers do not reach the range of the ODBC spec.
> I suspect that since it seems that some people are using DBD::ODBC to get
> type info from their DB (thanks Steffan!), I suspect that issue will be
> perpetuated.

I went through similar challenges with DBD::ADO test.  Of course I
started with DBD::ODBC and DBD::Oracle tests :-)


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