On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 13:29:40 -0800, Darren Duncan
> At 8:55 AM +0000 3/9/05, Martin J. Evans wrote:
> >Just a small point.
> >I could be wrong (I cannot look it up right now) but I think in ODBC
> >SQLEndTran
> >can issue a rollback or commit on ALL connections. Effectively, it issues the
> >rollback/commit on each connection in the environment.
> >That would be a lot harder to do with $dbh->do since you'd have to do it once
> >per connection.
> If you wanted a global action in DBI, then reasonable syntax could be
> to issue the rollback/commit on the DBI class name rather than on a
> connection handle object.  Either that, or restructure DBI so that
> the first thing a user does is create an "environment handle" object,
> off of which they call connect(), which incidentally saves us having
> to use any package globals. -- Darren Duncan

Can someone provide a scenario where you would want to issue a global
rollback or commit?

Perhaps (probably) I'm suffering from a limited imagination here, but
it seems like you would want to rollback or commit on a connection by
connection basis.


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