H.Merijn Brand wrote:
On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 19:03:26 +0100, "Martin J. Evans"

H.Merijn Brand wrote:
 On Tue, 2 Sep 2008 11:15:20 +0100, Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 05:01:40PM -0700, Jonathan Leffler wrote:
On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 3:30 PM, Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 01:31:57PM +0200, H.Merijn Brand wrote:

On Sun, 31 Aug 2008 23:56:43 +0100, Tim Bunce

Having said all that, I can see some value in having a
separate driver trace level. I suggest a few of the "middle
 16 bits" are given over to
IMHO 4 bits will do (0..15). If that is correct, I'll also
change the levels to leave the basic levels 1 and 2 alone.
Actually I'd rather squeeze the levels concept down to 0..7 for
 both DBI and DBD levels in order to make two more flag bits
available and to encourage greater use of flags.
FWIW, DBD::Informix uses trace levels from about 3 to 9 (leaving
1 and 2 for DBI output only).

Whether that matters is another issue, but 4 bits would be
preferred (though three is not the end of the world).  Unless you
 have a use for those 2 bits at the back of your mind...
Although it looks like the trace level range is being reduced, it's
 effectively being increased. It's just that instead of a single
range you'd now have two.

The current highest levels of driver internals tracing would then
be controlled via the DBD trace level. Something like this:

$h->trace("2,-6"); # DBI trace level 2, DBD trace level 6

That gives you more control because you can enable higher levels of
 DBD tracing without being swamped by higher levels of DBI tracing.

 Sounds ok

You could/should also define some trace flags for specific topics
to give finer control. Something like this:

 We will need some extra macro's to get the dbd level and the flags
 Any suggestions?

I like what I'm reading in this thread. As others have said I would find it beneficial to be able to trace DBD::ODBC without getting DBI tracing. In an attempt to get DBD::ODBC tracing without DBI tracing I moved some tracing to trace flags. Unfortunately, this had a rather unfortunate side effect. I created an odbcconnection trace flag and put all my connection tracing under that. The problem is the only way to set the flag before connecting :-( is:

That is why I also support $ENV{DBD_TRACE}, in analogy with
I would have to agree with $ENV{DBD_TRACE} It would be very useful for me while debugging connections as well.
use DBD::ODBC;

The current trace macros allow tracing if a flag is set, tracing if a flag is set and the trace level is at least N, and tracing if the level is at least N but NOT tracing if a flag is set OR the level is at least N. I'd find the latter greatly beneficial for the above reason.

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