On Fri, Nov 02, 2001 at 08:42:42AM -0600, Don Seiler wrote:
> Perhaps I wasn't supposed to take it so literally, and my hash handling
> skillz aren't quite what they should be.
> When I do this:
> while (my $hashref = $csr->fetchrow_hashref())
> {
>   print "Adding record from group " . $hashref->{group_code} . ".\n";
>   push (@{$groups{$hashref->{group_code}}}, $hashref);
> }
> ($csr is my $sth var)
> The print statement prints nothing for the $hashref->{group_code}
> reference.  This seems to be an indication of the start of a domino effect
> of things not being seen.

Make sure that the keys in %$hashref are in the case you think they are.  I
believe uppercase is the default.  Try $csr->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc');
if you want lowercase.


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