Yes Oliver, this is my understanding of the issue.  As long as we're 
talking specfics, this is a ODBC API for RedBrick, an IBM product 
formerly Informix (no DBD-Infomix isn't for the DBMS).  I actually 
did try iODBC first, but was unsuccessful.  Upon asking on the 
RedBrick list I was contacted by a helpful user who showed me how it 
could be done linking some of the libs (that have an extra 'rb' in 
their name).  Alas, I've now coded myself into a corner needing 
access to other drivers that this 'interface' can't handle.

If the solution here is to compile what I currently have working with 
RB to a diffrent name, perhaps RBODBC, I'll certianly give that a 
shot.  I don't think I've ever changed a module's name.  Is there 
anything to be aware of besides wholesale %s/ODBC/RBODBC/g?

> Jeff, perhaps I have misunderstood what is going on here but it is 
> impression that DBD-ODBC is being built against propriety 
interfaces that look
> like an ODBC API library but in fact will only communicate with a 
> DBMS.  One such example is SAP-DB.  
> If this propriety build of DBD-ODBC will only work with a propriety 
DBMS it is
> my opinion that it should not be called DBD-ODBC, instead the 
module should be
> renamed to reflect its specific purpose, in order to properly 
describe the
> DBD's function and allow the loading of the real DBD-ODBC at the 
same time.
> --
>   Simon Oliver
> Jeff Urlwin wrote:
> > 
> > Simon,
> > 
> > You should be able to build DBD::ODBC against a driver manager 
such as
> > unixODBC or iODBC (the assumed way to do it from my perspective, 
in fact).
> > The driver manager will then talk to SAP DB, etc.
> > 
> > Jeff
> > 

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