I'm currently writing an application that will be distributed on many
platforms (Linux, BSD, Solaris, Windows) where the target host may or
may not have DBI installed.  The application is written to use
DBD::CSV by default because it is pure perl and portable.  The app is also
written to fork to use MySQL, ODBC and the like drivers when and where
available to tie into more robust RDBMs.

DBI::PurePerl allows me an easy install method (no need to be root or
sysadmin, etc.) and opens the target audience up to any machine that
can run Perl.  End users won't have to worry about .tar.gz files and
makes, etc.

Until DBI::PurePerl, I personally was tied to using flat files and
reading them using filehandles and the like.  That was the only truly
portable universally installable method around.  Now I've got the
ability to do SQL calls on anything from anywhere - without needing
god level privileges to get the app installed and running right.

Thanks to Tim and Jeff Zucker for an amazing addition to the already
fantastic DBI.

Nick Hendler


From:    Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 
Time:    7:34:12 AM
Subject: Uses for DBI::PurePerl?

Now that we have a working emulation of the DBI written in pure-perl,
I was wondering what people might be using it for...

I'm finishing off my slides for this years Advanced DBI tutorial
at the O'Reilly Open Source Convention
and would like to have a better idea of what people might actually
use it for, and where, and why etc etc.

Answers on a postcard please... (and soon would be good :)


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