On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 07:43:57AM -0700, Michael A Chase wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Oct 2002 10:57:36 +0100 Mark Buckle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > I know I'm possibly one of those 'born-every-minute' types, but I actaully
> > bought the O'Reilly book and read it cover to cover
> > before beginning with the DBI.  Now I know DBI has moved on a few versions
> > since then, but the stuff I use every doesn't seem to have
> > changed one bit.
> The biggest recent change is that the DBI FAQ has a home at
> http://xmlproj.com/fom-serve/cache/1.html .  It won't be in the fine manual
> until the next release, but even then the trick is getting people to
> actually read the fine thing (http://xmlproj.com/fom-serve/cache/49.html).

And of course that address should be linked to from the dbi.perl.org
home page.  In which case people should be sent to dbi.perl.org so
if the FAQ moves they'll still find it easily.

Sadly the one FAQ link points to a very old version and the one
that refers to Ilya's is broken. (Ilya, can you make
http://xmlproj.dyndns.org/dbi/faq.html refer to the new version?)

Hopefully Terrence Brannon [CC'd], who maintains dbi.perl.org for
me can fix these issues soon.


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