
fetchrow_hashref returns a reference to a hash, with each hash having the
column name as it's keys.

$row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;

print "$row->{NAME},$row->{ADDRESS}"

or whatever.

Similarly, you could use fetchall_hashref  or selectall_hashref. I
understand that the hashref functions are not as efficient as the array ref
functions, so, if performance is an issue, it may be worth performing a
select from the database system tables to determine column names (and
types?)  before using the arrayref functions.

There is a table_info function that will give you the table definitions,
but the docs say that this feature is experimental, so use it with caution!




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                    "Brian McCain"                                                     
                    <bmccain@pagema       To:     "Manisha Gupta" 
                    sters.com>            cc:                                          
                                          Subject:     Re: retrieving column names 
from a table using DBI       
                    18/02/2003             module                                      

It seems to me that there should be a more direct way to do it, but you
could do:

my $sql = "SELECT * FROM FOO";
my $arrayref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Columns => {} });

my @names;
foreach my $key (keys %{$arrayref[0]}){
    push @names, $key;

Which would leave you with a reference to an array containing one hashref
per result row and, again, an array containing the names of all your

Brian McCain

----- Original Message -----
From: "Manisha Gupta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: retrieving column names from a table using DBI module

I am working with Perl CGi. There is a query where i have to select all
columns in  a table and display the data on the web page.
the query is something like
"select * from <tablename>
But the problem is I am not able to get the column names.
I am using the DBI module. Is there a way to get column names?


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