On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 09:13:48 +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Philip

>fetchrow_hashref returns a reference to a hash, with each hash
>having the
>column name as it's keys.
>$row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
>print "$row->{NAME},$row->{ADDRESS}"

Sure but there are other things to consider:
1) table_info() may be experimental, but it does work
2) table_info() is aimed at solving the problem - there is no need to
use other code which accidently solves the problem
3) Advice given was careless if not wrong. The suggesion to use
something like 'select * from table' selects all rows, although it
does not retrieve them. Whoever made that suggestion should have read
the docs which recommended 'select * from table where 1=0', which is
a vendor-independent trick to limit the output. And,yes, I'm aware
that suggesting this trick appears to contradict the comment above
about not using code with works accidently. If you think those 2
pieces of advice are really in conflict, I suggest you need to think
things though.
Ron Savage, [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 20/02/2003

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