On Tue, 25 Feb 2003, Tim Bunce wrote:

> Anyone using perl 5.8.0?
> Jarkko and I would be interested in any feedback you may have.
> Obviously my main interest is with DBI and drivers but Jarkko's
> is wider.
> Please reply to Jarkko (CC'd) and then also CC me if your reply
> includes any feedback related to the DBI and/or the new signal
> handling in perl 5.8.0.
> Thanks.
> Tim.
> p.s. Jarkko, for those who don't know, maintains perl 5.8.0.

While I was using 5.8 large data transfers via DBI failed consistently.
I have compared notes with others (including Lincoln Stein) and this
problem is easily reproduced.  In fact, I can't stop reproducing it. ;-)

I posted this on the DBI list awhile back and got no takers so opted to
return to 5.6.1 until 5.8.0 is more stable or a patch repairs this
problem.  I did no investigation as to why data transfer fails so
miserably (hangs until killed with an interrupt) as I simply don't have
the time or resources for experimentation - especially as I have found
5.6.1 to be very solid.  You might speak to Dr. Stein (regarding
causality) as he made me aware that this is a known problem.  He related
to me that he also has returned to 5.6.1 on production equipment.

Thomas Good                                  e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programmer/Analyst                           phone:   (+1) 718.818.5528
Residential Services                         fax:     (+1) 718.818.5056
Behavioral Health Services, SVCMC-NY         mobile:  (+1) 917.282.7359

Freedom is the right to yell theatre in a crowded fire. - Abbie Hoffman

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