Do you have a DB2 ODBC client installed like DB2 Connect?


John W. Herbold Jr.
IS Specialist/DBA

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 3:47 PM
Subject: Re: DBD::DB2

And also is it possible to connect to DB2 using ODBC drivers?.
Thanks in advance

Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Hi List,
I have installed DBD::DB2 drivers downloaded from Activestate on NT 2000.
When I run dbish it is showing DB2 but when I choose it it is giving the
following error:
The dynamic link library DB2CLI.dll could not be found in the specified

Available DBI drivers:
1: dbi:CSV
2: dbi:DB2
3: dbi:ExampleP
4: dbi:File
5: dbi:Oracle
6: dbi:Proxy
[4;mEnter driver name or number, or full 'dbi:...:...' DSN: [1m2

Am I missing any other piece other than DBD::DB2?, please let me know.

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