On Mon, 15 Sep 2003 16:38:59 -0700 Mary Sweeney

> I downloaded Perl last Winter and have used it to access an Oracle 9i
> database using ADO.  I would now like to use it with DBI/DBD to
> access an Oracle 9i database.  I find the CPAN site confusing and
> can't figure out how to download DBI/DBD.  Can someone enlighten me?
> I would also love to have any example code. My OS is Windows XP
> Professional.

If you are using ActiveState Perl, you should use PPM.
http://dev.isystek.com/dbi/fom-serve/cache/13.html will give you some
information about how.

To find a module in CPAN, start at http://search.cpan.org/ .  There is
a link there for Database Interfaces in addition to the search box.

There are working examples for Oracle in the DBD-Oracle source archive.
See Oracle.ex/* in http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-Oracle/MANIFEST .

Mac :})
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