At 02:12 PM 9/16/2003 -0700, Michael A Chase wrote:
>Please keep this discussion on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list.  Other
>people may be able to contribute to the exchange or learn from it.
>On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 07:40:06 -0700 Mary Sweeney
>> Thanks for your reply. How do I find out whether I'm using
>> "ActiveState" perl or not?  I just downloaded Perl off of the
>> website. I've heard others talk about what version of Perl they have
>> but I don't even know how to tell that! How does one find out what
>> version of Perl is running?
>Hopefully you know which website you downloaded your perl from.
>`perl -v` gives a short list of version information and `perl -V` gives
>a more detailed list including a lot of information about how it was
>built.  In my Linux system, I see the following:
>   $ perl -v
>   This is perl, v5.8.0 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
>I am assuming you are running in MSWindows.  The two most likely perls
>in that environment are ActiveState and Cygwin.
>ActiveState perl will have a "built for" string similar to
>"MSWin32-x86-multi-thread".  It is normally installed from an *.msi
>file using Microsoft's installer.

ActiveState will also have a line saying:

Binary build 806 provided by ActiveState Corp.
Built 00:45:44 Mar 31 2003

or whatever is appropriate for your build of Perl. For 5.6.1 it is probably Build 635.

>Cygwin perl will have something like "cygwin-multi-64int".  It is
>normally installed from a *.tar.bz2 file using Cygwin's setup.exe.
>> What is PPM?
>PPM is the package manager provided by ActiveState for ActivePerl.  It
>allows users without a C compiler to install Perl packages even if they
>have binary components.  It is used in place of the more universal
>`perl Makefile.PL`, `make`, `make test`, and `make install` given in
>the module READMEs.
>See .

If you are using ActiveState then there is documentation on PPM in the HTML documents.

>> I did try navigating CPAN and found the database interfaces link but
>> couldn't determine what, if anything, to download. I'm told that I
>> might have DBI already within Perl. Is that possible?
>You can check whether you have DBI and what version with:
>`perl -MDBI=99`.  If you don't have DBI, perl will respond that it
>can't locate  If you do have DBI, perl will say the version is
>only 1.38 or whatever you have.
>> Sorry to be so green. I wish there were just a "step one; step two"
>> set of instructions for some of this.

Well, in a way there is. But it is not always where you expect to find it! From an 
earlier comment I suspect you ARE using ActiveState. When it was installed it put a 
complete set of HTML documents on your machine which. You should find a link in your 
Start/Programmes menu.

>The first thing you have to decide is which database you are trying to
>connect to.  If there isn't a DBD-xxx module with that database name,
>you probably need DBD-ODBC.

Did you try using PPM yet? If you ARE using ActiveState it should have added the 
appropriate sections to your path command.

1. Go to a command prompt.
2. Type 'PPM' (without the 's of course!)
3. Type 'search DBI' - you should get over 100 responses.
4. look for 'DBI' it is at version 1.37 as of now
5. Type 'install DBI'
Ok that is done, now you can type quit and get back to the command prompt again.

Now, to use Oracle I cannot be of much help. But there is not a pre-built DBD driver 
for Oracle. My understanding is that you need to compile the Oracle driver using the 
header files for the particular version of Oracle you are running which is done by 
installing the Oracle client software first.

> In any case, you will need to install DBI
>first.  The DBI-FAQ gives you some instructions and the READMEs that
>come with each module give more detailed instructions.
>Mac :})
>** I usually forward private questions to the appropriate mail list. **
>Ask Smarter:
>Give a hobbit a fish and he eats fish for a day.
>Give a hobbit a ring and he eats fish for an age.

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