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On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 07:40:06 -0700 Mary Sweeney

> Thanks for your reply. How do I find out whether I'm using
> "ActiveState" perl or not?  I just downloaded Perl off of the
> website. I've heard others talk about what version of Perl they have
> but I don't even know how to tell that! How does one find out what
> version of Perl is running?

Hopefully you know which website you downloaded your perl from.
`perl -v` gives a short list of version information and `perl -V` gives
a more detailed list including a lot of information about how it was
built.  In my Linux system, I see the following:

   $ perl -v

   This is perl, v5.8.0 built for i386-linux-thread-multi

I am assuming you are running in MSWindows.  The two most likely perls
in that environment are ActiveState and Cygwin.

ActiveState perl will have a "built for" string similar to
"MSWin32-x86-multi-thread".  It is normally installed from an *.msi
file using Microsoft's installer.

Cygwin perl will have something like "cygwin-multi-64int".  It is
normally installed from a *.tar.bz2 file using Cygwin's setup.exe.

> What is PPM?

PPM is the package manager provided by ActiveState for ActivePerl.  It
allows users without a C compiler to install Perl packages even if they
have binary components.  It is used in place of the more universal
`perl Makefile.PL`, `make`, `make test`, and `make install` given in
the module READMEs.
See .

> I did try navigating CPAN and found the database interfaces link but
> couldn't determine what, if anything, to download. I'm told that I
> might have DBI already within Perl. Is that possible?

You can check whether you have DBI and what version with:
`perl -MDBI=99`.  If you don't have DBI, perl will respond that it
can't locate  If you do have DBI, perl will say the version is
only 1.38 or whatever you have.

> Sorry to be so green. I wish there were just a "step one; step two"
> set of instructions for some of this.

The first thing you have to decide is which database you are trying to
connect to.  If there isn't a DBD-xxx module with that database name,
you probably need DBD-ODBC.  In any case, you will need to install DBI
first.  The DBI-FAQ gives you some instructions and the READMEs that
come with each module give more detailed instructions.

Mac :})
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