Back to the problem with my plpgsql-procedures. I have another problem with
another procedure, with even more aguments:

$arg1 = $cookieValue . "::numeric";
$arg2 = $ueberschrift . "::text";
$arg3 = $beschreibung . "::text";
$arg4 = $system_zeit . "::timestamp";
$arg5 = "2001-11-11 11:11:11" . "::timestamp";
$arg6 = $startpreis . "::numeric";
$arg7 = $startpreis . "::numeric";
$arg8 = $kategorie_nummer . "::numeric";

$result = $dbh->prepare ( "SELECT neue_auktion ( $arg1, '$arg2', '$arg3',
'$arg4', '$arg5', $arg6, $arg7, $arg8 ) " ) or die "Vorbereitung nicht
$result->execute() or die "Abfrage nicht ausfuehrbar -suchprofil!

I know, shouldn't do it with interpolate variables but how ever it should
work. The error-dump I get with this function is:

"Fehler »Syntaxfehler« bei »::« at character 123" which means:
Syntaxerror at >>::<< at character 123

And how I can avoid interpolate variables? Is it simmular to this:
$dbh->do( qq{INSERT INTO kunden ( kid, nachname, vorname, strasse, plz,
email, wohnort, bankid, kontonr) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)},
  ) or die "Kann nicht eintragen kunden\n";

Thank you.

Gruss Christian

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