> Christian,
> As an example, I'd do the following:
> $arg1 =  "$cookieValue" . "::numeric";
> ...
> $result = $dbh->prepare ( "insert into kunden ( kid, nachname, ..., )
> values ( ?, ?, ... )" );
> $sqls->bind_param(1, $user_nummer);
> $sqls->bind_param(2, $nachname);
> ...
> $sqls->execute();
> $sqls->finish();
> That will take care of your inserting issues.  the "bind_param()" function
> takes care of the variables and puts them in a 'proper' form.
> As for your select statement with the $arg1, ..., $argN, the bind_param()
> function will work on those arguments too, I'd just suggest to use the
> process of double quoting your string concatenation assignments upfront:
> $arg1 = "$someVariable" . "::someText";
> Hope this helps.

No, the question here is to call a self-defined PLpgsql-function.
This is the function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION neue_auktion ( numeric, text, text, TIMESTAMP,
TIMESTAMP, numeric, numeric, numeric ) RETURNS text AS $$
    my_kunden_id    ALIAS FOR $1;
    my_name         ALIAS FOR $2;
    my_beschreibung ALIAS FOR $3;
    my_startzeit    ALIAS FOR $4;
    my_endzeit      ALIAS FOR $5;
    my_startpreis   ALIAS FOR $6;
    my_preis        ALIAS FOR $7;
    my_kategorie    ALIAS FOR $8;
   INSERT INTO auktionen ( kid, name, beschreibung, startzeit, endzeit,
startpreis, preis, katid ) VALUES ( my_kunden_id, my_name, my_beschreibung,
my_startzeit, my_endzeit, my_startpreis, my_startpreis, my_kategorie );

LANGUAGE plpgsql;

if a call it on the psql-shell, I do it with this syntax:
SELECT neue_auktion ( 1::numeric, 'robot'::text, 'robot'::text, '1999-01-08
04:05:06'::timestamp, '1999-01-08 04:05:06'::timestamp, 10::numeric,
10::numeric, 1::numeric);

this works.

But in perl there is something that doesn't fit. I try it now this way:
$arg1 = $cookieValue . "::numeric";
$arg2 = "$ueberschrift" . "::text";
$arg3 = "$beschreibung" . "::text";
$arg4 = "$system_zeit" . "::timestamp";
$arg5 = "2001-11-11 11:11:11" . "::timestamp";
$arg6 = "$startpreis" . "::numeric";
$arg7 = "$startpreis" . "::numeric";
$arg8 = "$kategorie_nummer" . "::numeric";

$result = $dbh->prepare ( "SELECT neue_auktion ( $arg1, '$arg2', '$arg3',
'$arg4', '$arg5', $arg6, $arg7, $arg8 ) " ) or die "Vorbereitung nicht
$result->execute() or die "Abfrage nicht ausfuehrbar -suchprofil!

But there is still a error-dump which "invalid syntax for Typ timestamp:
»2000-01-01 08:08:23::timestamp«

I tried it also without brackets for the time-values:
$arg4 = $system_zeit . "::timestamp";
$arg5 = 2001-11-11 11:11:11 . "::timestamp";

But this has the same effect.

Gruss Christian

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