> Ja Christian,
> Ich verstehe ein bischen Deutsch, besonders "startzeit" :)  Ich habe ein 
> buch ueber des Lebens Albert Schweizer gelesen, so ich kann 'basic' 
> Duetsch verstehen.

Wow, not bad. And you learned it just with this one book?
>  From one of the earlier emails I saw, your variable needs to be:       
> '2001-11-11 11:11:11'::timestamp
> Is that how it needs to go into your db table?
Thats right, that is the way how the psql-shell accepted it:
SELECT neue_auktion ( 1::numeric, 'robot'::text, 'robot'::text, '1999-01-08
04:05:06'::timestamp, '1999-01-08 04:05:06'::timestamp, 10::numeric,
10::numeric, 1::numeric);

I think that the numeric 'type-cast' are redundant, but I put it in.

Gruss Christian

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