On Sat, 16 Sep 2006, Dean Arnold wrote:

I just saw your note on mysql internals, and suspect your
request there is unlikely to be given serious consideration.

Always a possibility.  Maybe they'd be more interested in a patch.
(For the curious, I wrote a message to the MySQL internals
mailing-list proposing a new feature:



I think your best bet might be to work with the DBD::mysql maintainers
to implement some driver-specific nonblocking versions of
execute/prepare (and maybe fetch), as well as support for
'out of band' cancel.

That's an interesting idea.  Right now I'm putting together
DBIx::Timeout which implements my fork()-based timeout in a reusable
package.  Seems to work, although I've learned to expect forking code
to have unexpected bugs which take time to shake out.


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