On Sun, 17 Sep 2006, Dean Arnold wrote:

Er, but how ? Unless/until the DBI is threadsafe, the only way
for kill_session() to work is by breaking the DBD out of the
current blocking request. Which I assume is to be accomplished
by throwing signals around ?

DBIx::Timeout uses a separate fork()ed process.  No need for threads

(I'll note that signals are conclusive proof that UNIX was developed
in an era when recreational narcotics were readily available and

Ever read "Linux Core Kernel Commentary"?  It makes signals seem
almost sane.  Probably because from the kernel's point of view they
make perfect sense.

Oh, and then there's the little matter of non-POSIX
platforms. Trying to reliably use Perl + fork + signals + some
external library on Win32 will certainly keep a developer busy for a
few days.

I'd be interested in a patch to get DBIx::Timeout working on Windows.
I have absolutely no interest in developing or testing it, but that
shouldn't stop you!


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