On Wed, Jul 18, 2007 at 10:23:52PM -0700, Theron Stanford wrote:
> Overview:  I'm trying to create the situation in the subject line:
> from the outside, the database handle thinks it's just one database,
> but inside it's really two databases containing tables with the same
> schema but not necessarily the same data.

It's not really clear what you're trying to do. From what you say below
it seems that you just want to "just change the env var to switch
between servers". That's relatively simple but doesn't seem to match
what you said above.

> My thoughts have turned to something like DBD::Proxy, because then I
> could just change the environment variable DBI_PROXY when needed to
> switch between servers.

Perhaps you could just use the DBI_AUTOPROXY env var to force a
different DSN without using DBD::Proxy.

> I have also thought about writing a driver from scratch, using
> SQL::Statement to help out, but that breaks the first rule of driver
> writing ("Don't!"), and since this is for my job, the second rule
> ("Don't -- get someone else to do it for you!") isn't really an
> option.
> I'm not afraid of putting in the time to do this right, and I'm not
> trying to get something for free.  But I'd like some opinions about
> what might be the correct approaches to this problem, especially if
> there's something obvious that I've overlooked.  (So OK, I'm trying to
> get some advice for free :)

DBD::Multiplex may be worth exploring. (I have a modified and more
flexible version I worked on a couple of years ago that never quite got
polished up and released. It should probably be renamed as it's
slightly incompatible with the old one. Volunteers welcome.)


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