Thanks to all, and apologies to all.

I should have waited another day to flesh this out before sending, but
I was trying to take advantage of living on the west coast of the USA
to send this out last night and come to work this morning to find my
inbox teeming with lots of interesting ideas.  Dumb, dumb, dumb (and

On 7/19/07, Tim Bunce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's not really clear what you're trying to do.

Suppose I have a database with a table with two columns, 'key' and
'value'.  (This is a simplification, of course.)  The contents of this
database determine how my software interacts.  The database is
read-only, as far as the software is concerned; this should make the
implementation simpler.

Now, suppose I'd like to test out the result of adding or updating
some new key-value pairs in this database.  What I'd like to do is
have a local database table to put these temporary key-value pairs in,
and have my software obtain a $dbh that makes it transparent to the
software that it's really looking at two tables, mixing their data
together as one.

By the way, when I say "my software", I mean software written by the
company that isn't really amenable to changing, which is why I thought
of the DBI_AUTOPROXY approach (see below).  But I could hack a local
copy of it if necessary.

From what you say below
it seems that you just want to "just change the env var to switch
between servers". That's relatively simple but doesn't seem to match
what you said above.

What I intended was that I could use the environment variable to
switch between "normal", using just the one database, or "test",
adding in the data from the new database as well.  Since I usually
have more than one "test" database, having a switch would really help.

> My thoughts have turned to something like DBD::Proxy, because then I
> could just change the environment variable DBI_PROXY when needed to
> switch between servers.

Perhaps you could just use the DBI_AUTOPROXY env var to force a
different DSN without using DBD::Proxy.

Although I got the name of the environment variable wrong, I'm glad to
see you caught what I had in mind and seem to think it's a

The trouble is determining what this different DSN would be.  I don't
know of any DBDs that act the way I have envisioned above.

DBD::Multiplex may be worth exploring. (I have a modified and more
flexible version I worked on a couple of years ago that never quite got
polished up and released. It should probably be renamed as it's
slightly incompatible with the old one. Volunteers welcome.)

I did take a look at DBD::Multiplex, but it struck me that it was
intended for situations in which there are multiple servers with
duplicate contents: each database has the same data in it, so you can
read any server you want, and a write operation propagates that change
to each of the servers, keeping them in sync.  The situation I
envision is of multiple servers whose contents are not the same.

But I'll take another look at the module if you think it warrants it.


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