On Tue, Oct 04, 2016 at 12:49:49PM -0400, Ashley Pond V wrote:
> I did say MST RFC:MUST be respected. :P This is only here because of
> you. I was an early CDBI user and was there for the fights over its
> direction and saw you as the voice of reason, patience, and vision.
> Regardless of work done since, I see you as the owner. I was unaware
> there was as much of a schism as there apparently is.
> I don't know which approach is better. I feel the "permanent
> development ban" you assert is misrepresenting the situation.

Well, I'm not sure how else I can interpret riba's call for a 'project
freeze', especially given that in


he appears to feel that the previous contributors attempting to continue
the project is "the worst possible direction, one I worked really hard to
save this codebase from."

Of course, it would help if he'd elaborate on his plan; so far, sadly,
he's expended a lot more words explaining why his future plans for
DBIx::Class aren't the contributors' or users' business than he has
explaining what said plans actually are. Hopefully that will change.

Matt S Trout - Shadowcat Systems - Perl consulting with a commit bit and a clue

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