On Wednesday October 5 2016 11:44:47 AM Peter Rabbitson wrote:
> On 10/05/2016 08:50 AM, Karen Etheridge wrote:
> >> It is now much harder to advance either of these points.
> > 
> > Why?
> Because now that you causally dropped an insinuation that a part of the
> work I put into DBIC itself was performed for material gain, a casual
> reader could interpret this entire thread as "Ribasushi tried to
> strangle a CPAN project for his own profit". That would be despite the
> fact that the core of your ( very complex and multi-layered )
> work-related issue is in a module outside of ( and discouraged by ) the
> DBIC project, and as such entirely outside of the scope of this discussion.

Do you not need to put food on the table, the same as the rest of us? Do you 
not need to put a roof over your head, clothes on your body?

If only I could get paid to play on computers, with code, to do my hobby in 
exchange for cash.

Oh, that's right, I do.  It's my job.  A lot of material gain there.

Why shouldn't you get paid for your efforts when and where you can?  Why is 
that somehow sullying your effort?  If your DBIC contributions are still of the 
high quality you've been providing with all the focus on compatibility, why 
does it matter who is paying for it?  Because the bottom line is that someone 
*is* paying for it.  Why does it always have to be you who is paying?  And how 
does that hurt anyone else?

Finish the job, take the money.  No one, and I mean NO one, will think less of 
you for it.  On the contrary, many of us will (and do) envy your ability to 
extend this volunteer activity into contract work for money.

We don't think less of a volunteer for prioritising their day job over their 
volunteer contributions, nor for prioritising your contract work.  We all have 
to eat.

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