On Tue, 2003-07-08 at 08:54, Matthew T. O'Connor wrote:

> I have no idea, unfortunately, I don't really know how the imap clients
> really work.

> My real question is what queries are being done by the server.  When I
> use evolution and ask it to search the message body for a piece of text,
> does it send this request to the server? Or does it only search what is
> cached.

Here's a neat little evolution trick:

evolution <=1.3

open a shell.
evolution-mail &
evolution &

evolution >= 1.4

open a shell
evolution &

This will load evolution, and if you look in the terminal window you
will see all the imap traffic generated.  To answer your question, if
its not in its cache of searches (starts with no entries in the cache)
it sends it to the server to be searched.

> Also, IMAP clients are not all we care about.  We also have POP3 (less
> interesting) and direct clients that bypass the IMAP interface, querying
> the database themselves.  I know several web apps do this already. 
> Also, there is talk extending dbmail to include more exchange type
> functionality and implementing a SOAP interface, thus I think it's a bit
> foolish to optimize the design solely around IMAP.

Expanding exchange like features into dbmail in my opinion should be an
add on product that uses the soap interface, or a forked project.  I
work for an ISP and we have centered our whole mail system around
dbmail, and I really don't need the group functions of exchange for our
offering, and would prefer it not to be bloated up with them.  We chose
dbmail as an email solution.

That being said, a separate add on, fork, or configuration directives
disabling these functions would be good solutions.

> I think dbmail is great, and really has the potential to evolve into a
> killer groupware server.  The best part is it already works well for
> what it does, it's not some pie in the sky project that is trying to do
> everything all at once.
> > /Magnus
> > 

ADI Internet Solutions

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