
On 7 Jan 2004, at 22:12, Aaron Stone wrote:

I disagree on getting 2.0 out the door first. Table prefixes are critical infrastructure for people who may have to share a single database with tables for different applications. Since we may already need a migration script /
program to get 1.2.x people up to 2.0, table prefixes won't hurt much.
I understand that table prefixes might be critical for some people, and I'd like to have these custom prefixes in DBMail in the future.

One of the problems it that we'd have to change all queries which are made in dbmail, which means changing all statements were queries are made. This is quite a lot of work, for which I don't have any time at the moment.

Also, getting 2.0 out the door would have (almost) no impact on the addition of new features. I would like to move to a release model were we can release more often, with smaller changes between releases. This way, it should be much easier to do upgrades and bugfixes. I guess, overall, it could mean that development can speed up, because changes can be smaller.
If anybody disagrees with this: please yell and tell me why :)

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