The rudiments of Sieve support are already in place in 2.0, but only enough so
that I had a basis to understand how to write the new delivery chain with
hooks built in to support multiple sorting backends. During 2.1 development,
I'm going to finish the Sieve support connector to the libSieve library.

There is already a functional ManageSieve server in the tree, but it is not
built by default because there isn't any Sieve support in the rest of the
system yet ;-)

I'm beginning to suspect a problem with the ACL implementation. Mozilla
doesn't like it, either. Probably something simple, but it's definitely top of
the list for things to fix before a 2.0 release!


Sanjiv Bawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> I just tested DBMail 2.0rc3 with Bynari and OpenGroupware
> It seems to work fine with OGO. I have not played around with it too much
but from what I can tell it is ok. I dont know where you folks are with the
Sieve implementation but I got the following error messages with OGO:
> Your imap server doesn`t support vacation notice (dbmail imap (protocol
version 4r1) server 2.0 ready to run) 
> Your imap server doesn`t support server-side filters (dbmail imap (protocol
version 4r1) server 2.0 ready to run) 
> Is 2.0 going to support this?
> Bynari on the other hand seemed to have problems with the ACL. Version 1
seemed to work ok with it except no ACLs. Now, I am not worried about using a
fine product like DBMail with crapware like Bynari. However, I am concerned
that there may be some problems in the ACL implementation. Bynari is unable to
read or set the ACLs at all.
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