You can download a version of it for free. I would not bother doing long term 
testing with it because it is an absolutely awful product that should be 
abandoned. These guys have not been able to fix even basic bugs for over 2 
The only parts of Bynari that actually work are the open source pieces! 
I suspect the ACL problem that you see in Mozilla is the same one that is 
reflected in Bynari.


Ilja Booij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Aaron Stone wrote:
> The rudiments of Sieve support are already in place in 2.0, but only enough so
> that I had a basis to understand how to write the new delivery chain with
> hooks built in to support multiple sorting backends. During 2.1 development,
> I'm going to finish the Sieve support connector to the libSieve library.
> There is already a functional ManageSieve server in the tree, but it is not
> built by default because there isn't any Sieve support in the rest of the
> system yet ;-)
> I'm beginning to suspect a problem with the ACL implementation. Mozilla
> doesn't like it, either. Probably something simple, but it's definitely top of
> the list for things to fix before a 2.0 release!
We're going to buy Bynari connecter shortly, so we can also test with 
that. ACLs just haven't had enough testing yet, so must surely do some 
more tests with them the coming weeks.


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