A BUGNOTE has been added to this bug.
Reported By:                ljackson
Assigned To:                
Project:                    DBMail
Bug ID:                     94
Category:                   General
Reproducibility:            N/A
Severity:                   feature
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     new
Date Submitted:             17-Sep-04 22:26 CEST
Last Modified:              18-Sep-04 03:44 CEST
Summary:                    Patch to at least let sieve code complie against 
I have created a patch that adds the dbmail tables for Mysql and the
associated db layer code to allow for the compilation and the start of
testing sieve to at least allow others to help out on this. I want to get
it into current cvs so I don't have to patch it each time myself :) This
patch should keep others from having to to do duplicate work if they would
like to help Aaron and I finish up sieve.

 aaron - 18-Sep-04 01:30 CEST 
Looks really good. Is that a forward-port of my database code or did you
write it from scratch? Since Sieve has primarily been my project, I can be
in charge of committing this patch, unless Ilja or Paul want to dig into
Sieve a bit...

If this works with the most recent release of libSieve, then it's a very
good place to begin working and to tease out the problems with the
libSieve API and get them fixed :-)

 ljackson - 18-Sep-04 03:19 CEST 
wrote it from scratch, there wasn't any sql code to speak of for sieve that
I could find. This is what I got as the most recent libSieve from cvs on
050404. Which appears to be 2.2.0pre4. I am hoping that at least since it
will allow dbmail head to compile the base sieve code we can at least
start hashing out where to go next..etc.

 aaron - 18-Sep-04 03:44 CEST 
Wow, cool. I had already written database code, but IIRC (not on my dev box
this week) I wrote it back when DBMail's database code was two fully
separate MySQL and PostgreSQL codebases. So, probably better that you
wrote new stuff rather than me trying to get my old stuff to compile.
Leif, you rock!

Bug History
Date Modified  Username       Field                    Change              
17-Sep-04 22:26ljackson       New Bug                                      
17-Sep-04 22:26ljackson       File Added: dbmail-2.1cvs091504-sieve.diff        
18-Sep-04 01:30aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000271                       
18-Sep-04 03:19ljackson       Bugnote Added: 0000272                       
18-Sep-04 03:44aaron          Bugnote Added: 0000273                       

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