> > SELECT DISTINCT(physmessage_id) FROM dbmail_messageblks WHERE
> > messageblk LIKE '%Aaron%';
> 19066 rows in set (12.81 sec)
> So it takes about 35% of the time, but returned 190% of the rows. We'll
> have to combine this time trial with the header parser to see which adds
> more time per message. My guess is the header parser, but we'll just have
> to see.

  I'd guess that would be true for a small installation, but we need to
keep large installation performance in mind, too - if you have one database
server and N imap servers, it's a lot easier to move the load to the N (and
add more if neccessary) than to rebuild the one with more horsepower.  So
far the discussions have seemed to benefit both, but something like this
one would make a difference (35% of the load on the rdbms).

  Along these lines, and admittedly maybe not a great idea, would it seem
desirable to add a config item that sets a "mode" for dbmail that either
does as much work itsself vs. using the database features, or vice-versa?
Might not be terribly useful, but if you could make dbmail perform at it's
peak no matter which kind of setup...

Jesse Norell

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is not my email address;
change "administrator" to my first name.

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